Главная / Опухоли шеи / Литература / Зарубежные авторы (Часть 3)

Зарубежные авторы (Часть 3)


Kennedy I., Krause Ch. Loevy S. The importance of tumor attachment to the carotid artery. — «Arch. Otolaryng.» (Chicago), 1977, v. 103, p. 70 — 73.

Kubiczkowa J. W sprawie postepowania w przypadkach nerwiakow szyi. — «Otolaryng. Polska», 1964, v. 18, p. 403 — 407.

Lacour Genin J. Les tumeurs nerveuses laterocervicales propos de 19 observations. — «Chirurgie», 1976, v. 102, p. 967 — 976.

Mac Comb W., Fletcher G. Cancer of the head and neck. Baltimore, 1967.

Marchetta F., Murphy W., Kovaric J. Carcinoma of the neck. — «Am. J. Surg.», 1963, v. 106, p. 974 — 979.

Martin H. Radical neck dissection. — «Clin. Symposia», 1961, v. 13, p. 103 — 120.

Masson J. Soule E. Desmoid tumours of the head and neck. — «Am. J. Surg.», 1966, v. 112, p. 615-622.

Nichols R., Greenfield L. Experience with radical neck dissection in the management of 426 patients with malignant tumors of the head and neck. — «Ann. Surg.», 1968, v. 167, p. 23 — 34.

Pack G., Ariel J. Tumours of the soft somatic tissues. New York, 1958.

Paraganglioma of the head and neck. — «Cancer», 1977, v. 9, p. 397 — 409. — Ailt.: E. Lack, A. Cubilla, J. Woodruft, H. Farr.

Powell L., Sciortino A.y Byers J. Thyroglossal duct carcinoma. — «Arch. Otolatyng.» (Chicago), 1965, v. 82, p. 189 — 190.

Rapoport A. The importance of metastatic cervical limph nodes on the prognosis and therapv of malignant neoplasias of the head and neck. — «Tumori», 1976, v. 62, p. 473 — 484.

Saese C. Cervical thymoma. — «Virginia med. monthly», 1956, v. 83, p. 345 — 346.

Stanulla H., Stanulla A. Malignes karotiscorper — tumor (chemodectoma malignum). — «Zbl. Laryng. Rhinol.», 1966, Bd 47, S. 849 — 857.

Stefanovic P., Krejovic В., Stanisavljevic B. Turner parapharyngees diagnostic et therapeutique. — «Arch. Union med. Balkan.», 1973, v. 11, p. 1018 — 1022.

Surgical management of carotid body tumor. — «Arch. Surg.», 1967, v. 95, p. 771 — 779. — Aut.: H. Javid, W. Dye, J. Hunter, H. Najati, O. Julian.

Tesarek T. New incision in the dissection of the lymphatic system of the neck. — «Neoplasma» (Bratise), 1969, v. 16, p. 435 — 439.

Voss Vollmar J., Meister H. Tumoren des Glomus Caroticum. — «Thoraxchirurgie», 1977, v. 25, p. 1 — 12.

Weiss Ch., Enzinger F. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of soft tissue. — «Lab. Invest.», 1977, v. 36, p. 352.

Whimgster W., Masson A. Malignant carotid body tumour with extradural metastases. — «Cancer», 1970, v. 26, p. 239 — 244.

«Опухоли шеи», Г. В. Фалилеев

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