Список цитируемой и рекомендуемой литературы



Cawley M. I. D. Arthrocentsis: techniques and indications. — Brit. J. of Hospital Medicine, 1974, 11, 744

Ehrlich G. E. Total Management of the Arthritic Patient. Lippincott Philadelphia, 1973.

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Радиоактивные коллоиды

Bridgman J. F., Bruckner F., Eisen V. et al. Irradiation of the synovium in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. — Quart. J. Med., 1973, 4, 357.

Goode J. D., Howey S. Effect of premedication with intra-articular hydrocortisone on the retention of 198Au in the knee joint in rheumatoid arthritis. Use of 99mTc in assessment. — Ann. rheumat. Dis., 1973, 32 (Suppl.), 43.

Gumpel J. M. Review of published and personal results: Criteria for selection of potients. — Ann. rheumat. Dis., 1973, 32 (Suppl.), 29.

Gumpel J. M. Irradiation of knee with yttrium 90. Results 3 years after treatment. — Ann. rheumat. Dis., 1977, 36, 285.

Ingrand J. Characteristics of radio-isotopes for intra-articular therapy. — Ann Rheumat. Dis., 1973, 32 (Suppl.), 3.

Williams P. L., Crawley J, C. W., Freeman A. M, et al. Feasibility of outpatient management after intra-articular yttrium-90: comparison of two regimes. — Brit. Med. J., 1981, 1, 13.

Yates D. В., Scott J. Т., Ramsey N. Double-blind trial of ytrium 90 for chronic inflammatory synovium of the knee. — Ann. rheumat. Dis., 1977 36, 481.

«Лечение ревматических заболеваний»,
под ред. Ф.Д.Харта

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